Racism Collage

Journey To The top

Journey To The Top

This is my Dada-inspired piece that I created about the topic of racism. As you can see, the whole image creates a short of “hourglass” shape. I oriented the mountain upside-down, and then placed those other pictures in the shape of a pyramid, as if it’s mirroring the mountain. I chose to do this because when one thinks of scaling an enormous mountain, they’d immediately dub it as a huge feat; a feat that they think could not be accomplished. But in the end, people faced perils and climbed mountains to the top. I tried to show that through the various images related to racism. I found old black and white photos and placed them as the “base” of the “mountain”. This shows how in the beginning, people did not know where the issue of racism was going to lead, or if it’ll ever stop. Then, as the mountain gets higher and higher, I placed images which go against the idea of racism, and instead, advocate for a fair society where no one is judged based on their skin colour.

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