Racism Research: Related Images


I chose this image as one which goes against the idea of racism in our society. The creator of this advertisement was trying to get the message across that it doesn’t matter what colour our skin is on the outside, but it only really matters what’s inside of us. And really, there should not be acts of violence just based on hatred for a colour; if we all get physically opened up, we have the same bone structure, same muscle structure, same organs, same heart. I believe this advertisement to be very effective because it uses images of actual human hearts, which to some may seem gruesome, and using what I like to call the “gross factor”, the idea of anti-racism stays with the person.


This next image is also one that supports anti-racism. It has a very simple message to it – there are multi-coloured crayons pertaining to the different skin tones of people all around the world, and instead of labeling them as “white”, “black”, “yellow”, or “brown”, it simply says “flesh”. This is my favourite image because people of all ages can see this picture and (to some extent) understand what it means – skin tone is just a colour, nothing more.


I chose this picture as an effective means to display the racism that is still going on in the modern world. It shows some people protesting against Barack Obama as the president, and even going to extremes as to putting horns on him in front of a fiery background; suggesting the idea of him being the devil.Although racism around the world seems to have died down in the past century,these kinds of unjust movements are still happening everywhere, albeit in small groups.



For my last picture, I chose an older image, of how blatantly open towards their hatred of anyone who weren’t the same skin colour as themselves back in the day. You can see in the background that the Caucasian woman’s face is filled with disgust as she leers at the dark-toned woman. In another version of this picture, which was shot at a different angle, you can see a lot more people turning heads just to catch a glimpse of this woman and stare at her in a deprecating manner. I used this picture in an attempt to contrast with my other pictures and show how times have change for the better.

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